Kybella is made of a deoxycholic acid that destroys fat cells. When Kybella is injected into the fat beneath the chin, the fat cells die off and are eventually expelled from the body as waste. The result is a significant reduction in fullness beneath the chin.

Consultation Required?
Yes – Schedule a Consultation
Treatment Type
Treatment Length
15 to 20 minutes
Number of Treatments Needed
3 to 6
Minimal to none
Duration of Results

How it works
Kybella is an injectable cosmetic treatment that destroys fat beneath and surrounding the chin. Kybella is composed primarily of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a substance our body naturally uses to break down dietary fat. Kybella mimics this natural process in a highly targeted way. Once Kybella is injected into the fat cells stored beneath the chin, the fat cells are destroyed.

Who it’s for
Kybella will work for a broad range of people, whether you’ve struggled with submental fullness for most of your life, or it has developed more recently. If you plan on having facial surgery in the future, Kybella is not an ideal choice.
You should consider Kybella if any of the following are true for you:
- You have gained weight in your face and chin due to dietary changes.
- You have gained weight in your face and chin due to aging.
- You have stubborn submental fullness that does not respond to diet or exercise.
- You would like to restore youthful definition beneath your chin and along your jawline.
- You do not want plastic surgery or liposuction.

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To see the full results of Kybella, most people will need between two and six treatment sessions, each scheduled one month apart. These sessions will be short, lasting between 15 and 20 minutes. During that time, you will receive a series of Kybella injections beneath your chin. We apply a local anesthetic before your injections to minimize discomfort.
Results begin to appear 4 to 6 weeks after treatment. Your provider will determine the number of treatments you need for optimal results.
After your Kybella treatments, you will need very little recovery time and can go about your day as usual.
Similar to other injectables, common side effects from Kybella include swelling, bruising, pain, and redness. If you have any questions about your symptoms, our providers are available to help.
Once Kybella has destroyed the fat cells beneath and surrounding your chin, they cannot return—they are gone forever, and your results will last for many years. Your body’s aging process or weight gain may mean you need Kybella injections years in the future.