How are bruises formed?
If you develop bruises easily, you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is needed for your body to produce healthy blood cells and is in many types of food, but according to research, a large number of adults are deficient in this vital nutrient. If you bruise easily, or your bruises take a long time to disappear, you may need an infusion to restore B12.
You may experience excessive bruising for any of the following health reasons:
Low iron (anemia)
Cushing’s syndrome (an excess of the hormone cortisol)
Blood deficiencies
At B+A Medical Aesthetics in Austin, we may recommend that you have an IV infusion of B12. The results of IV therapy can be significant. You can experience a restoration of your energy level, less bruising, and faster healing.
Your hormones may be out of balance. We offer BioTE hormone optimization with pellet therapy.
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Learn more about which treatment for bruising might work best for you.