Are you curious why our weight loss services stand out? It’s because we offer comprehensive care that supports our patients’ needs.
B+A’s weight loss program is different because it meets each patient where they’re at. Whether you are looking for a nutritionist to help you change your meal plan or want to find out which bariatric procedure can help you achieve sustained weight loss, we’re here to help.
Dr. Nicole Basa and Dr. Alan Abando, a highly skilled and empathetic husband-and-wife team, are the founders of B+A Medical Center. Specializing in bariatric care, they provide a safe, caring environment for patients undergoing health and body transformations. Their commitment to helping patients extends beyond surgery; they’ve established a medical weight loss clinic near Round Rock to provide additional support.
Keep reading to learn more about the bariatric surgical procedures Dr. Basa and Dr. Abando provide and the unique services their medical weight loss program offers.
Our Clinic’s Difference
B+A isn’t the only medical weight loss clinic near Round Rock, but our practice provides some of the region’s best comprehensive care. Our skilled providers have created a clinic that offers all the most effective weight loss solutions. From surgery to behavior modification, B+A has it all, guaranteeing that we’ll stick with you throughout your weight loss journey.
Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Basa and Dr. Abando provide patients with 4 highly effective bariatric procedures. These surgeries help people lose significant amounts of weight and allow them to keep it off. Often, bariatric surgery is the most effective solution for sustained weight loss.

Pre-Surgical Consultation
During your first appointment at our weight loss clinic near Round Rock, you’ll talk with Dr. Basa or Dr. Abando about your weight loss goals and health concerns. Based on your needs and objectives, your surgeon may provide bariatric procedure recommendations and discuss the difference between surgical and nonsurgical care options.
If you choose to undergo one of our bariatric surgeries, you’ll work through the following prep steps:
- Step 1: Lose 5% to 10% of your current weight. Losing this portion of your weight can shrink the size of your liver and reduce the amount of intra-abdominal fat, making surgery safer.
- Step 2: Screen for potential surgical factors by taking a cardiopulmonary stress test.
- Step 3: Possibly seek counseling to understand how emotional eating could affect your weight.
- Step 4: Shake up your wellness routine! We recommend drinking 64 ounces of water a day, starting a daily walking regimen, updating your meal plan with healthier foods, and beginning a healthy breakfast routine.
- Step 5: Observe your daily snack intake and start changing your habits. Work to eliminate snacking, slowly eat meals (we recommend chewing food 20 to 30 times), and begin putting down your utensils between bites.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
Dr. Basa and Dr. Abando use sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve surgery) to make your stomach smaller, reducing the amount of food it can hold. This makes it easier to eat small meals, lowering the amount of calories you consume. This procedure doesn’t affect your intestines, so nutrient absorption does not change.

All the bariatric surgeries performed at our weight loss clinic near Round Rock are laparoscopic. This is because laparoscopic surgery can:
- Reduce the risk of surgical complications.
- Lower the chance of developing an infection.
- Decrease recovery time and post-procedure pain.
Your surgeon will take the following steps during your sleeve gastrectomy:
- Step 1: Your surgeon will make small incisions in your abdomen.
- Step 2: The surgeon will place a small camera under your skin to show your internal organs. This allows them to monitor your surgery as it’s in progress.
- Step 3: The surgeon will use instruments to remove approximately 75% of your stomach and create a banana-shaped pouch.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
The gastric bypass also affects the size of your stomach. However, this procedure also involves the “bypassing” of the upper part of your small intestine.
Your surgeon will take the following steps during your gastric bypass:
- Step 1: Similar to the sleeve gastrectomy, your surgeon will first reduce the size of your stomach and make a small pouch to hold a small amount of food.
- Step 2: Next, the surgeon will reattach the pouch to the central part of the small intestine. This will allow food to bypass part of the intestine and enter the part of the intestine with digestive juices. As a result, your body will absorb fewer calories.
To compensate for decreased nutrient absorption, you’ll need to take a supplement after surgery to ensure your body gets enough nutrients. You’ll also need to stop taking NSAIDs to reduce your risk of getting ulcers.
Modified Duodenal Switch
If you’re experiencing severe obesity, our surgeons may suggest undergoing the modified duodenal switch (also referred to as the laparoscopic single anastomosis duodenal-ileal bypass with sleeve, SADI-S).
This surgery involves a sleeve portion (reduction in stomach size) and a bypass portion (“bypassing” part of the intestine to limit calorie absorption). Our surgeons use the robotic da Vinci Surgical System for this procedure to minimize the risk of surgical complications that could arise for patients with a higher BMI.
Lap Band Removal Surgery
B+A Surgeons does not offer lap band surgeries, as research shows that the procedure is ineffective for sustained weight loss. However, we are happy to remove a previously placed lap band or replace it with the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.
SurgeryPlus Benefit
If you’re concerned about insurance covering these life-changing surgeries, we’re part of a program that may be able to help. Employees at certain companies can have their entire bariatric procedure, plus travel expenses, covered with SurgeryPlus! Learn more about this benefit.
Continued Support
For long after your bariatric surgery, B+A offers continued wellness services at our weight loss clinic near Round Rock. Whether you determine that you’d like continued weight loss support post-surgery, or if you’d like alternative options to undergoing surgery, we can help.
Aaron Serna, our exercise physiologist, works alongside the practice’s cardiac sonographer and cardiologist to ensure all our patients can safely undergo surgery. In addition to protecting your safety, Aaron helps improve patients’ weight loss outcomes by helping them maintain their muscle mass.
We use the following tests at our practice to monitor your wellness and health:
- Resting metabolic rate (RMR) testing
- Body composition testing
- Exercise counseling
- V02 testing
- ECHO and stress tests
- In-house lab draws
Kelsey Hayes, our registered dietitian, specializes in obesity weight management. She helps all our bariatric patients prepare for surgery and provides continued guidance after the procedure.
Besides helping patients track their eating patterns and providing meal recommendations, she also helps people implement an attainable healthy lifestyle.
Behavior Modification
Leigh Kubin, our behavior modification specialist, holds certifications in hypnotherapy and master life coaching. She uses her skills to help people get to the root of their weight concerns.
With the help of therapeutic tools, Leigh can help patients take a truthful look at their habits and how their lifestyle may negatively affect their passions.

After several sessions, patients notice gradual, positive changes that give them the jumpstart they need to re-embrace life and commit to their weight loss journey.
Continued Coaching
In addition to these resources, we help patients create an easy-to-follow weight loss plan that lists their goals. Along with regular follow-ups and feedback, you’ll also have access to Baritastic, a wellness app that allows you to track your progress and ongoing support groups.
Other Tools
Whether you could benefit from weight loss injectables to get you started on your journey or want to address sagging skin you’re experiencing post-weight loss surgery, our weight loss clinic near Round Rock can help.
B+A Aesthetics offers semaglutide and tirzepatide injectables to help patients kick off their weight loss process. While these injectables alone cannot provide sustained weight loss, they are helpful tools in some patients’ weight loss plans.
Skin Tightening
It’s common for some patients to experience skin sagging throughout the body after significant weight loss. We’re able to use the following minimally invasive treatments to help address body skin laxity:
Aesthetic Injectables
Some patients also notice facial skin deflation following weight loss. We’re able to address lost facial volume and facial skin laxity with dermal fillers, lip fillers, and cheek fillers:
- Juvederm: Helps fill smile lines and other fine lines and wrinkles.
- Sculptra: Can address deep skin folds, wrinkles, and volume loss.
- Radiesse: Improves moderate-to-severe wrinkles and can increase volume on the back of the hands.
- Belotero Balance: Can address deep-set wrinkles and the nasolabial folds.
- Restylane: A good option for addressing a “sunken” appearance and can add volume.
We also offer Kybella, which can address submental fullness (the double chin) that sometimes isn’t affected by weight loss.
We Know Weight Loss
As experienced bariatric surgeons, we understand weight loss from every angle.
From bariatric surgery and semaglutide to hypnotherapy for emotional eating, nutrition coaching, and BHRT for re-building muscle, we’re here to help educate you on your options. Our team will ensure you achieve sustained weight loss and your overall health and wellness goals—through whichever path or tools you decide work best for you.
Contact us today if you’re ready to see what our weight loss clinic near Round Rock can offer you, or use our virtual treatment builder to receive customized treatment recommendations directly from us.